Millions of men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), and it is particularly common among those who are up in years. If you have been finding it difficult to enjoy satisfying intimacy with your partner, our Asheville team may be able to help you reclaim your sexual confidence via shockwave therapy for ED. This non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment might be just what you need to discover renewed sexual health!
ESWT stands for Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy. It may also be referred to as focused shockwave therapy.
While the term “shockwave” might sound a little scary, it is actually a fairly gentle procedure. It involves the use of a wand-like device that delivers low-intensity acoustic waves into the body. Its purpose is to increase blood flow. ESWT can be used to treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, as well as sexual dysfunctions and various types of injuries.
ESWT is a quick procedure that only takes about 15 minutes per treatment. ESWT is a noninvasive treatment that does not require anesthesia and has no downtime. If you experience any side effects, they are likely to be mild. For example, some men notice mild discomfort or bruising.
In order to begin your ESWT treatment for ED you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pinkston. Once you have completed the consultation process and Dr. Pinkston determines that ESWT is a suitable way to address your ED, our experienced medical team will use our shockwave therapy device at different areas of your penis to stimulate blood flow.
Most patients say that the therapy feels like small pulses against their skin. If you experience any significant discomfort, you should let our team know so we can make the proper adjustments necessary to allow for less discomfort while still effectively treating your condition.
In most cases, patients notice significant results within the first few weeks after treatment is initiated.
Some noteworthy benefits of ESWT for ED include:
Focused shockwave therapy (ESWT) is not the most common method that doctors use for addressing erectile dysfunction. In fact, you might not have even heard of it until you came across this page! It is understandable that you might have questions about this treatment and how it works. Of course, you are always welcome to call us to learn more. In the meantime, you can gain some important insight by reviewing the FAQs below.
Focused shockwave therapy is considered a good option for most men who struggle with mild erectile dysfunction. In fact, it is well-tolerated by almost everyone. However, data is limited on its ability to help individuals with severe ED, as well as those with have other conditions that can contribute to ED, such as heart disease or diabetes.
During your consultation, Dr. Pinkston and our team will ask for a thorough medical history so we can make a personalized treatment recommendation based on your unique needs and circumstances.
Many men experience noticeable and long-lasting results after a single course of treatment. In some cases, though, a second treatment is necessary after 16 weeks or so. If you ever think that the results of your ESWT are starting to wear off, call our team and request an appointment. We will strive to determine what is causing the problem and recommend your next steps.
Shockwave therapy is safe to be used in combination with many other treatments that benefit men’s sexual health. For example, its benefits might be optimized if you combine it with treatment for low testosterone.
Shockwave therapy may also be used together with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. PRP uses the platelet-rich portion of your own blood to stimulate healing in targeted tissues. PRP and shockwave therapy target different aspects of ED. Shockwave therapy enhances blood flow and vascular health, while PRP supports tissue regeneration and sensitivity. Combining PRP with shockwave may lead to better outcomes.
The price of shockwave therapy for ED can depend on a few different factors. During your consultation, we can discuss specific numbers. Generally speaking, most patients find that it is not too difficult to fit this therapy into their budget.
Most medical insurance policies do not cover ESWT for ED because it is still considered an off-label use. That may change as more data becomes available to support this treatment as something that is both effective and safe. In the meantime, you can expect to pay at least several hundred dollars out-of-pocket for your shockwave therapy.