With time comes wisdom, but aging can also lead to the development of sexual health problems as well as aesthetic concerns. These kinds of issues can affect both men and women, but solutions are available, and they don’t have to involve medication, surgery, or “miracle” supplements. Dr. James Pinkston is eager to help you enjoy every moment of your life using any one of the services below, and you can schedule an appointment today to learn more about which one might be just what you need.
Men of all ages struggle with erectile dysfunction, and PRP treatment for ED can offer a simple and effective solution that doesn't involve medication, surgery, or the use of a pump. Just like it can help invigorate the face and hair, PRP can do the same for the penis. It can lead to the development of new, healthy tissue that allows for better blood flow to the area, which will make it easier for a man to achieve and maintain an erection. The treatment involves simply injecting the PRP, during which Dr. Pinkston will do everything he can to keep the patient comfortable.
Learn More About PRP Treatment for ED
A loss of sensitivity and control in the genital area are a couple of very common problems faced by many women. Whether due to age or childbirth, the tissue of the vagina can become looser and less responsive, and this can not only affect sexual satisfaction but contribute to incontinence as well. Vaginal rejuvenation (which uses PRP) can help address both of these issues by allowing the tissue of the vagina to rejuvenate through the power of concentrated healing. Growth factors injected into the region can lead to revitalization, causing the area to tighten while also giving a woman more control and security, increasing her pleasure and confidence at the same time.
Learn More About Vaginal Rejuvenation
If you are looking for a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical way to address your erectile dysfunction, you may be a candidate for focused shockwave therapy (ESWT). During the treatment, a special device delivers low-intensity acoustic waves to the penile tissues. This increases blood flow and encourages the formation of new blood vessels, both of which are important for achieving and maintaining erections.