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Shockwave Therapy – Asheville, NC

Non-Invasive Treatment for Stubborn Injuries

Ongoing pain from a muscle, tendon, or ligament injury can put a damper on your quality of life and limit your ability to carry out important tasks. Some patients must resort to surgery to find relief, but did you know that for many people, non-invasive options can prevent the need to “go under the knife”? Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment for stubborn injuries that can help Asheville patients to feel better and enjoy life to the fullest.

Why Choose Asheville Non-Surgical Orthopedics for Shockwave Therapy?

What Is Shockwave Therapy?

Patient receiving shockwave therapy for foot

Shockwave therapy goes by a few different names. It may also be referred to as extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) or Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®). All such terms refer to the use of low-frequency acoustic waves to instigate a healing response within the body.

Essentially, the therapy increases blood flow to the targeted area. The blood brings with it all the nutrients and other components that are necessary for effective healing of injured muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The use of shockwaves in medicine began in the 1960s, and since then, they have become a go-to treatment for many patients who are struggling with issues like frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries, and more.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Medical professional holding shockwave therapy device

During an EPAT session, our team will apply a gel to your skin at the targeted area. Then, we will use a wand-like device (similar to an ultrasound wand) to begin delivering shockwaves. We will gradually increase the strength of the shockwaves until a therapeutic level is reached, or to a level that you can tolerate without too much difficulty.

Shockwave therapy can be mildly uncomfortable. It may feel like a continual tapping or knocking sensation. However, it should not cause extreme pain. In fact, many patients notice a reduction in pain soon after their first session, though it may take several sessions in order to experience optimum results. Each treatment is likely to take less than 15 minutes.

The Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Woman stretching outdoors, enjoying pain-free exercise

Some noteworthy benefits of shockwave therapy include:

Understanding the Cost of Shockwave Therapy

medical billing statement on tabletop

The total cost of shockwave therapy can vary from patient to patient. When you visit us for a consultation, we can share some specific numbers with you. Because this therapy does not require a lot of time, and it is noninvasive, it often costs less than more complex treatments. It is a smart investment in your health that could help you to get back to pain-free bodily function!

Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Shockwave Therapy

shockwave therapy equipemtn in treatment room

There are a few factors that may affect the cost of shockwave therapy:

  • The type of shockwave therapy. Here at Asheville Non-Surgical Orthopedics, Dr. Pinkston and our team offer focused shockwave therapy. It is designed to address certain musculoskeletal conditions. Other medical practices may offer other types of shockwave therapy, which have different price points.
  • The number of sessions necessary. Most patients require multiple shockwave therapy sessions to enjoy optimum results. Each session comes with its own fee.
  • The location of a medical practice. It is common for medical practices to set their prices based on the cost of living in the local area and other geographical factors.

A Look at the Prices of Different Types of Shockwave Therapy

curemedix focused shockwave device pictured against white background

There are two different types of shockwave therapy:

  • Radial shockwave therapy (also known as Extracorporeal Pulse Activate Technology or EPAT). This type of treatment aims to facilitate healing by encouraging increased blood flow to the site of damaged tissues.
  • Focused shockwave therapy (also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy or ESWT). This is a bit more targeted and powerful than radial shockwave therapy. In our practice, Dr. Pinkston often uses focused shockwave devices from CuraMedix to produce optimum results. They are among the best devices on the market.

Because both of the abovementioned options are often casually referred to as “shockwave therapy,” it is important that you exercise caution when scheduling an appointment. Do not be lured in by price alone. Make sure a practice offers the type of therapy you need and that they are well-qualified to do so.

How to Make Shockwave Therapy Affordable

person using phone to pay for services in medical office

Sadly, most health insurance policies do not offer coverage for shockwave therapy. If that changes in the future, our team can provide you with a statement that will help you take advantage of your benefits.

The good news is that there are other provisions that might make it easier to afford your treatment. For example, we are partnered with Varidi, a third-party financing company. Most patients are eligible for a low-interest payment plan that fits their monthly budget. The application process is fast and easy! We also accept funds from healthcare savings accounts and flexible spending accounts. If you choose to pay with Bitcoin, you can even receive a special discount.

Shockwave therapy is a reasonably priced treatment that could improve your overall wellness! Get in touch with our team today to learn more about it.

Shockwave Therapy FAQs

a man smiling after undergoing shockwave therapy in Asheville

If you’re struggling with chronic and/or acute discomfort in your muscles and joints, then you’ll likely benefit greatly from Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT), otherwise known as shockwave therapy. While this treatment is highly advanced and effective, it’s natural to want to know more about the procedure before committing to anything. That’s why our team has taken the time to collect and answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get about shockwave therapy in Asheville! Read on to learn more or give us a call today if you don’t see the information you’re looking for.

What Can I Expect from Shockwave Therapy?

Thanks to our advanced and reliable equipment, many patients claim to immediately experience pain relief after finishing their treatment. However, it can sometimes take about four weeks for some people to begin to feel the results of their procedure. Due to the pressure waves that promote improved blood circulation and stimulate metabolism, the process generally alleviates discomfort and renews your mobility, enhancing your overall well-being. Over 80% of shockwave therapy patients claim to feel pain-free and/or experience drastically reduced pain.

What Disorders Can Be Treated with Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is typically used to help people who are struggling with impaired mobility, which also reduces their overall quality of life. The most common areas where acute and/or chronic musculoskeletal discomforts occur and can be addressed by this treatment include:

  • Lower extremity
  • Upper extremity
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Back and chest
  • Foot and ankles
  • Myofascial trigger points

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Shockwave Therapy?

Since shockwave therapy is a non-invasive EPAT treatment, you won’t have to undergo any surgery to treat your musculoskeletal symptoms. For this reason, you shouldn’t typically expect any risks or experience side effects after your procedure. In some cases, patients have reported feeling minor discomfort after the treatment, which might continue for several days. Even so, any residual pain or soreness from the procedure will be equivalent to what you’d typically experience after intense exercise or a full day of hard work.

Why Consider Non-Invasive Shockwave Therapy?

The EPAT treatment has a tried and tested success rate that is equal to or beyond that of more traditional methods, including surgery! On top of that, the process doesn’t involve the risks, complications, or lengthy recovery time that usually comes with a more extensive procedure. Other advantages of EPAT over surgical treatments include:

  • No local anesthetics required
  • Performed in a short amount of time
  • Completed right in your physician’s clinic/office
  • Can move around immediately after the process
  • Return to normal daily activities after 24/48 hours
  • Can start exercising intensely after 4 weeks
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