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Can a Stellate Ganglion Block Be Used to Treat PTSD?

August 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamespinkston @ 8:19 pm
Female soldier, sitting on sofa and struggling with PTSD anxiety

If you are familiar with basic concepts of neuromusculoskeletal medicine, you probably already know that nerve blocks can be a very effective way to relieve pain and even diagnose certain conditions. But did you know that one type of nerve block, known as a stellate ganglion block (SGB), might also be helpful for treating some cases of PTSD? Continue reading below to learn more about how this may be true.

An Introduction to Stellate Ganglion Blocks and PTSD

When performing SGB treatment, a physician uses ultrasound guidance to insert a long-acting local anesthetic into the stellate ganglion, which is a group of nerves located in the neck. In some cases, it is used to provide fast relief from various types of upper body pain, such as what may occur in the neck, chest, or upper arms.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition. It often occurs in individuals who have been through terrifying life events, such as war, natural disasters, and various forms of abuse. It can cause nightmares, severe anxiety, flashbacks, and other debilitating symptoms.

SGBs and PTSD — What Is the Connection?

Since PTSD affects the mind and SGBs are often used to treat physical conditions, it might seem odd to think that an SGB might help someone who is struggling with PTSD. However, some research has suggested that it could be a viable treatment in many cases.

When you understand a bit about the biological processes in the human body, the connection becomes easier to understand. The stellate ganglion is a key component of the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates the body’s fight or flight response. Because an SGB disrupts signals from the stellate ganglion to the brain, it is believed that the treatment can reduce fight or flight reactions in people with PTSD.

In fact, in some cases, patients have experienced long-term PTSD relief after receiving an SGB. This could be because an SGB may allow certain parts of the brain to rest and “reset,” resulting in reduced anxiety and other psychological symptoms.

Could an SGB Help You?

You might decide to try an SGB to help with your PTSD if conventional treatments, such as psychotherapy, are not helping you as much as you wish. Often, it is best to use an SGB in combination with care from a qualified psychiatric team.

One big benefit of an SGB is that it is a fairly low-risk procedure, so even if it does not provide the results you hoped for, it is unlikely to worsen your situation.

SGBs show great potential as a method to treat PTSD! Talk to your care team to find out if this service might benefit you.

Meet the Practice

Dr. James Pinkston is a highly skilled osteopathic physician who specializes in neuromusculoskeletal medicine. Stellate ganglion blocks are among the many services he offers. If you are curious about this treatment and what you can expect from it, our team would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our Asheville office at 828-417-9913.

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